Twenty years ago, as a new manager, I experienced the frustration and stress of working with a dysfunctional team. We weren’t performing up to expectations, the bottom line was suffering, and morale was low. I knew there had to be a better way if we were going to be successful.
Fortunately, I discovered a new way to build employee engagement, increase productivity, and, by the way, have more fun. That team went on to be the fastest growing division in the company. We were all more effective, more productive, and I became a better leader.
My clients have one big challenge in common. They need their people to be productive and accomplish their goals. They may be corporate managers, business owners, or professional service providers. They are talented at what they do, but they know they have to solve the people side of the equation to be successful.
Businesses do not operate in a vacuum. They need people, and people can be complicated; in fact, trying to understand people and bring out the best in them can often be messy and seem like an impossible task. To help them achieve success, I help my clients understand where their greatness comes from as they identify their own unique talents and strengths.
Come Ready to Explore and Discover About You
My clients know they don’t have all the answers, so they come to me ready to explore and discover. When they do uncover a truth that leads to growth and development, it’s like a little miracle, and I like being the catalyst for those miracles. I’m fascinated with people and what makes them tick. I love helping people grow and discover their own potential, solve problems, and be happier.
I can remember, as far back as grade school, having an awareness of the unique differences my classmates exhibited. I didn’t realize it at the time, but I now know that was a talent theme beginning to emerge for me. Today, that is called strength spotting. I like to teach it and help my clients develop it.
Coaching is not always comfortable, but it should always be safe. I never want my clients to feel like they aren’t in a safe environment with me. As one client put it, “There is no hint of judgment; Steve is very welcoming, has stability second to none, and a capacity to create trust and a sense of okayness with my situation.”
Understanding my own strengths and experiencing the profound impact it has on my life led me to the profession of coaching. How can I not share that with others?
I received my formal business education at West Texas State University and hold the Professional Certified Coach (PCC) designation from the International Coach Federation. I co-founded Maximize People in 2017. Maximize People currently provides training and support in the applied science of Positive Psychology and serves people in 15 countries around the world, and counting.
I was honored to receive “The Chairman’s Choice Award” from the Cedar Hill Chamber of Commerce in recognition of my volunteerism and dedication as well as the” 2016 David C. Wilson Distinguished Business Award.”
What Others Say About Working With Steve Hendon
“Steve helps you understand and focus on your strengths and then use them effectively to set the right goals and accomplish them.” Janet Boyanton – Attorney and Author
“Working with Steve has led me to a journey of self-discovery that has made me a more effective businessman, attorney and community leader. I deeply value working with Steve and highly recommend his services to anyone trying to gain a competitive edge.”
Chris Parvin – Attorney
“Steve has helped me recognize my strengths and learn to use them to drive my success. My progression up the corporate ladder and maneuvering the very real politics of big business was significantly driven by working coaching concepts guided by Steve.”
Rhonda Griffin – Senor Project Manager