I know what you’re thinking. “What kind of question is that?” And it is a bit strange, but let me explain.
So what does that have to do with your business? The title is taken, in part, from a song in a musical that I attended a couple of weeks ago, with the unlikely name: [title of show] (yes, that is the name). Let me tell you why I think it has a lot to do with your business.
The plot of the musical is about two guys writing a musical for a competition. They ultimately win a coveted spot to showcase their musical with a few performances. The musical receives good reviews and several producers have interest, if they will conform to conventional wisdom and change the musical to fit the formula that the producers think is best.
Are you beginning to see how this might have something to do with your business?
When we conform to conventional wisdom we run with the herd and ignore our talents and strengths. We fail to be the special and unique person that nine people will consider their favorite thing.
Toward the end of the musical, the two guys, and the two girls that are helping them, sing this song. The lyrics, and I am paraphrasing, goes something like this:
I’d rather be nine peoples favorite thing than one hundred people’s ninth favorite thing.
Because nine people will tell nine people and eighteen people can grow into 525,600 people.
Is your business at least nine people’s favorite thing? If so, they are telling nine other people about you. I’m guessing that the one hundred people that you are their ninth favorite thing probably won’t tell anybody.
What’s unique and special about you and your business that nine people will consider you their favorite thing?
What talents and strengths do you have that will cause nine people to tell nine people about your business? Talk about a growth strategy.